Adaptive Leadership is fitting to respond to how prioritizing technology as an influence to incubate quality affordable homeownership. It is relevant because leaders in sectors like technology and homebuilding must see the difference between their own interests and their role. Construction processes have remained unchanged, for the most part for centuries…Consider that millennials on one hand, who make up over 8o million people in America, and the fact that they are saddled with student loan debt, and rent prices that are at or above the cost of a home mortgage, the reality unless drastic changes occur is they will likely never own a home.
Technological advancements like construction robotics, artificial intelligence, and building information modelling have advanced design and construction light years beyond where it existed over 25 years ago. The new construction site in a number of cases has become the industrial warehouses that line interstate highways around the entire country enabling repetitive parts to be produced in climate controlled settings. This reality has not only expedited the pace of construction processes, but also bottom line cost and quality.
Large tech companies who own the data centers that line the interstate highways making timing a non-issue for site delivery, fabrication and on-site building routine. Their collaboration with modular homebuilders is changing the landscape of cities worldwide, yet municipalities have not embraced the adaptive challenge on a widespread basis to modify zoning to increase densities to pave the way for next generation starter homes with smaller footprints.
Joe Dillard, III, Ph.D.